
Clean & Safe - We are ready!

As part of a wider pursuit for safety, out of the widespread concern in the resumption of the economic and social activity during this COVID-19 pandemic, the Tourism of Portugal has decided to implement hygiene and cleaning requirements. It has created a “Clean & Safe” stamp of approval, in order to inform companies of the recommendations of the DGS – Directorate-General for Health. This is to guarantee that Portugal becomes a safe destination and maintains the confidence of its visitors. Below are the requirements that Portugal A2Z Walking & Biking follows to be a Clean & Safe company. 

Training for all employees

All Employees will receive specific information and/ or training on:
  • Internal Protocol related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak.
  • How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions:
    • Hand Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that has at least 70% alcohol, covering all surfaces of the hands and rubbing them until they are dry.
    • Respiratory Etiquette: cough and sneeze into the flexed forearm or use a tissue; always wash your hands after coughing or sneezing and after blowing; Avoid touching the eye, nose, and mouth with your hands.
    • Social Conduct: Change the frequency and form of contact between workers and between them and customers, avoiding (when possible) close contact handshakes, kisses, shared jobs, face-to-face meetings and food sharing, utensils, glasses, and towels.
  • How to comply with daily self-monitoring of fever (measuring the body temperature twice a day and record the measurement value and time), check for a cough or difficulty breathing.
  • How to comply with the General Directorate of Health guidelines for cleaning surfaces and treating clothes in establishments.

Information for all customers

The following information is available for all customers:
  • How to comply with basic infection prevention and control precautions in connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
  • What is the internal protocol for the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak?

The company has
  • Sufficient individual personal protective equipment for workers involved in any activity
  • Individual and personal protective equipment is available to customers (maximum capacity of groups)
    • The stock of single-use cleaning materials proportional to their dimensions, including single-use cleaning wipes moistened with disinfectant, bleach, and alcohol at 70º.
  • Dispensers of alcohol-based antiseptic solution or alcohol-based solution near the entry/exit points, and whenever applicable by floor, at the entrance to the restaurant, bar, and common sanitary facilities.
  • Waste container with non-manual opening and plastic bag.
  • In the sanitary facilities, equipment for handwashing with liquid soap and paper towels.

The company ensures
  • The washing and disinfection, in accordance with the internal protocol, of the surfaces where employees and customers circulate, ensuring the control and prevention of infections and resistance to antimicrobials.
  • The cleaning of common use surfaces and objects, several times a day (including counters, light and elevator switches, door handles, cabinet handles).
  • Preference will be given to wet cleaning, over dry cleaning, and the use of vacuum cleaner.
  • The air renewal of the closed spaces is done regularly.
  • Supply of alcohol-based hand sanitizers, whenever justified.

The management of the company ensures
  • The maximum occupancy of the facilities, per m2, is done, in accordance with the recommendations of the General Health Directorate.
  • The maintenance of the social safety distance between customers within the premises, in accordance with the recommendations of the General Health Directorate.
  • The distribution of information, within the scope of the activity, preferably in digital/online support.
  • Compliance with internal hygiene and safety protocols by the partners involved in the programs sold by the Travel Agency.
  • There is always a collaborator at the service responsible for triggering the procedures in case of suspected infection (accompanying the person with symptoms to the isolation space, providing the necessary assistance, and contacting the national health service).